
Dear Friends Welcome, Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my words and experience. More will be revealed as we listen and follow what we know is love and truth. May we celebrate and share in the joy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

A photo in Montmartre. Spring 2012 in France.

     This trip was months in the planning. Grace's class trip was to France with a couple of days in London, the class teacher, Ms. Anastas had been preparing the class for some time and together we made a spectacular itinerary with Medieval and Gothic sites. The kids were all about 13 years old and great fun. I learned the importance of taking notes or writing in a diary, so that I can personally recall my spiritual growth and document the hilarious mishaps that occur during travel. Travel is fantastic and the process of being with people and working through our things in relationship always fascinates me. This trip fulfilled many small and large wishes. Many things I had been afraid to do, were available for me and I did everything on my wish list. My next wish list is to stay in France for 1-3 months out of the year. The things that need to be done for this to occur are happening and this too will be another wonderful adventure.