
Dear Friends Welcome, Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my words and experience. More will be revealed as we listen and follow what we know is love and truth. May we celebrate and share in the joy.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

aaahk. I was writing a very witty and clever blog when it disappeared, now we'll have to settle for this one. I was just saying how I'm really believing that life is a game to be enjoyed. This attitude has made my life much more enjoyable and sparkly. I'm quite delighted by synchronicity, I always feel a tinkling in my being when I realize I have exactly what I want and wanted. Sometimes it looks a little different so I don't recognize it right away. But after I bought a huge bag of oranges from a freeway vendor I remembered I'd been craving oranges and I just hadn't bought them from the market. This purchase was more exciting and they're delicious.
Perhaps I should change the blog name to Silly Goddess. xooxo

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