
Dear Friends Welcome, Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my words and experience. More will be revealed as we listen and follow what we know is love and truth. May we celebrate and share in the joy.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What happened to the discipline of Monday check ins? I was going to write a little hello each Monday, well at least I'm on it today and I have been writing daily so all is well. I had such clever inspirations and now nothing. Perhaps I shall right them down when they come to me.

These holidays have been quite a surprise in that I thought I would be working diligently on my things, instead I have been resting, watching movies, watching "House Hunters", resting with my family and catching up on things that needed to get done. It has been heaven.

Tonight's movie "Heaven Can Wait," I'm looking forward to that one too. I'm reading "Frequency" by Penney Peirce, which has wonderful information in it.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Good Morning,

It's another magical day, filled with self-love and awareness and it's just 9:45 am. This self-love business is rather difficult yet it's so important. I'm on my way to living my life the way Great Spirit intended, I see glimpses of it now and then and am grateful for that.

This morning, as I lay cozily in bed before getting up, I started complaining about some things my husband does and in a blessed realization I noted that he is a mirror for me. I too do the same thing, albeit in a different way but the essence is the same. When all is well I get scared and I throw a cog in the wheel, most easily by gaining weight. When all is going well I panic and eat more to stay in my less-than comfort zone.

Fascinating. My answer is to forgive myself and forgive him, then loves us as we both learn what it is to be the best humans. We're trying, perhaps that's part of the problem, I say as I laugh whole heartedly. "
"No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try."
―Yoda to Luke

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday

Hello there, The days before my birthday can be tense as I question so much about myself, my life and the meanings in everything. My birthday always ends the stress that's built up by being a day or days filled with love, good friends and kind awareness. This year I awoke to another beautiful day but I actually could see the day because the window washer came and cleaned the windows, this was a little birthday treat that many a Virgo can appreciate. I then cleaned the house and it sparkled, this was followed by my stopping, actually stopping.

I took a little nap and when I awoke decorated the front rooms with silks, Christmas tree stubs, rocks, sparkles and candles. I then read, occasionally I looked out the front window, sipping my rose tea, the CD player played "Songs for Luci," made by my cousin.

Friends came by to deliver beautiful gifts and the gifts of presence and listening. In the evening I watched "Les Miserables" with Geoffrey Rush and cried and cried.

I am so grateful for this enchanted beautiful life.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Letting Go Surrendering To The Moment

A friend of mine just asked for help with a difficult situation and the first thing that came to me was to suggest that she let go. After I gave her this advice I realized That these are the words I need right now. there are a few things I want to have happen and they're not going exactly as I would like, when I gave her the suggestion I breathed and surrendered into the present of what is happening and stopped dreaming of the outcomes I want.

Goddess, and all the humans involved are quite clear with my goals are, I have done my footwork and continue to do actions as they are presented to me. The most important thing to do is be here right now. Enjoy this moment writing to you, sitting on this giant exercise ball and breathing. All is well, there's no need to control anything. I love you. Thank you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

love in presence

loving presence
love in presence
lovin' present
love in present

All is well my loves, the more you live in presence being, the better it is.
Creating is good right now.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Remembering

August 7, 1924 - March 5, 2009

Carl Edward Kasemeier II, a man I met only a few times helped to shape this nation and my husband as he was his father and an army service man. His 26 year Army career included duty in the Philippines, Germany, Korea, where he received the Purple Heart medal for combat wounds, and Viet Nam. His other military commendations included the Meritorious Service Medal, Bronze Star, Korea and Viet Nam Presidential Unit Citations, Army Commendation Medal, United Nations Medal, World War II Victory Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge and a number of other service citations. He retired from the Army Infantry as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1969.

There is a sense of loss and confusion in this man that worked so hard to do the right thing and lost himself in his duty. A creative and charming man he also lost himself to right disease and alcohol. A man that provided a good home and many beautiful places for his family to live in and enjoy was appreciated and forgiven.

May all be remembered in love and appreciation.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Romancing The Money

"Nothing likes to be chased" Graciela Schneider. My mom was telling me the importance of wooing things. I've come to realize this includes money as well as life. They want to be charmed and enchanted just like everything else. I've been realizing that the way we treat ourselves and then our partner/lover/spouse is the way we treat and live with money and our lives.
Money and love have the same energetic frequency. It's just about giving and receiving who we are freely and easily. Are we wooing life and enjoying her company or are we constantly complaining and demanding that she behave in a certain way that meets our controlling and controlled expectations? Are we the Goddess Aphrodite loving, giving and receiving, are we Diana working with nature or are we stalking our lives and demanding that she do as we please? I'm taking full and complete responsibility for myself. Everything that is in my life is by the magic of my soul's desire. Sometimes I don't understand it, always it is fascinating and entertaining. I am present for my life and taking the actions I must do as they are presented to me. How I walk and breathe in the world is just that. There this no other if I'm blaming another for my reactions or circumstance I rob myself of the opportunity to live my life to the fullest.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yes. I am Goddess Unfolding

Hello Again,
I just finished reading Chris Gullebeau's book "The Art of Non-Conformity" and it's fantastic. He suggests blogging regularly if we are blogging, so I've picked Mondays as I my blog in day. The consistency factor alone will help me and you because what I'm sharing is valuable to those that seek it. "The Magdalene Awakening" by L. Shannon Andersen was suggested to me by a very dear friend. There is much information in the book that is helpful and accurate, I'm especially enjoying recognizing synchronicity and messages that pop into my day.

Yesterday the term Holy Grail popped into my day at least 8 times, which I found delightful and insightful. I remembered that Mary Magdalene is the Holy Grail and many of us are bringing her message out into this time. I owned that this is part of my work and it might call you s well. If words like Cathar, France, Frankincense and Myrrh, Mary Magdalene and Goddess resonate with you then take this moment to breathe, love yourself and research a couple of these things together and see what you discover. Have Fun.