
Dear Friends Welcome, Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my words and experience. More will be revealed as we listen and follow what we know is love and truth. May we celebrate and share in the joy.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Solstice, Love and Money

Hello ,

Much love to you on this very special day of new beginnings. Winter is here as is The Golden Age. Much has been churning within me and now I'm really beginning to shine. Some of us are late bloomers and it's a marvelous thing to be hold. I'm not in the winter of my life as I hope I'm stepping in between autumn and winter, yet the spiral of the year has turned into winter and I find that my body follows suit quite easily now.

It's a quieting time when a little light of ideas born shimmers within. What is within is the relationship healing of love and money. The money has really been an amazing teacher and is becoming my friend as I heal my relationship with it. For me money and love have the same energy, they both can flow in and out quite easily if I'm not afraid, let it be and enjoy them. These are two areas that have had my focused attention for healing and I've some along way into the healthy world. I have lived trying to manage and control instead of accepting what is, enjoying the abundance I have and living in the now. I am changing that one moment at a time.

I have a few sayings that I keep playing in my mind, that really help me be positive. "I want my new life more than I want my old life." Regina Richardson  "I'm working more than I'm hoping." Chellie Campbell, "I will succeed because I'm crazy enough to think I can."

In the past few weeks my best days have been the ones in service.
May the learning continue to unfold.

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