
Dear Friends Welcome, Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my words and experience. More will be revealed as we listen and follow what we know is love and truth. May we celebrate and share in the joy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Love Is All There Is

Loving myself by strengthening my connection with Great Spirit. When we do what we're supposed to be doing it all works out so well. How do we know what that is? By listening. Self referral and a connection with Great Spirit will always guide us in the direction that's best for us. It takes a lot of strength and courage to follow the directions. Risking the disapproval of others is another part of the equation, after listening then how do we say no to others and yes to ourselves? Ah, yes, the famous "Just Do It" slogan comes to mind. I've been doing it more and more and the quality of my life is improving. I have mush less stuff as I continue to de-clutter but I have a more solid base. Yesterday I read in Tracey McBride's book Frugal Luxuries that it's important to say no to ourselves and I loved that because the concept crystalized for me. To live in truth with oneself one must know how to say no like a loving parent. No to this means I can say yes to that and I'll have energy for the yeses that will be for my highest good. It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm thrilled, I love birthdays, especially mine. Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Belated Happy Birthday! (Your bday is one day before my son's.) I just love your philosophy of life and sweet spirit!!!
